Saturday, September 3, 2011

Predictably, More on Character

I know, I know that your eyes kinda glaze over when you see the first element of knowing if it’s true love – character. But answer me this – does Sandra Bullock have any happy memories of her marriage? I’m not faulting Sandra; I really think that was an extraordinary situation. My research turned up info from his old friends that showed that he was extremely talented at being whoever you wanted him to be. My researched turned up info that showed that Sandra wants to find the best in people, to be forgiving, to be kindhearted. All excellent qualities, but all qualities that can land a girl in trouble when choosing a mate. Remember we talked about the movie Pillow Talk, how:
Somehow, in Pillow Talk, nobody ever stops to wonder how Doris, who fell in love with chaste, polite, chivalrous Rex Stetson is going to be happy married to rude, selfish womanizer Brad Allen. But I want you to.
And I think what we have here in Sandra’s marriage is Pillow Talk The Lifetime Reality Series. In the Hollywood ending, we are supposed to believe that love has changed Rock, that he has become the good person he was pretending to be. In real life, this never happens – rude, selfish womanizer Jesse couldn’t keep up the pretense of being a man of high character over the long term, because that’s not who he was. And that’s why character is the first element of knowing whether it’s true love.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Flourish, Old Maid, Happiness Awaits

Flourish, Old Maid, Happiness Awaits
The Valentine's Day Old Maid Movie Marathon

Alone this Valentine's Day? A bit blue about it? Here's the best way to occupy your mind: see into your fabulous future.

Sometimes the best guy comes to those who wait.

Here is a list of movies for your Valentine's Day Old Maid Movie Marathon: The Quiet Man, The African Queen, Now, Voyager, All of Me, Desk Set, The Music Man, Brigadoon, The Long, Hot Summer.

In these movies, the good girl is alone for a long stretch of time, pitied by all because of her man-less state. In these movies, the (for the most part) greatest guy ever does come along, and she gets a happy ending, happier, probably than the ending found by girls who married just to be married just because everybody else was getting married.

Statistically, really, most people do eventually get married -- do find true love. It's almost certainly your destiny. Would your lonely nights be less awful if you knew that you were to wind up with Paul Newman, John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart? Well, you almost certainly will.

Watch as many of these movies as you can find during the Valentine's Day weekend - get a group together.

And get busy and get everything done now -- all your projects -- because husbands take up a lot of time.